Deb Dutta | Coaching and Consulting

Empowering Women Founders

Empowering Women Founders

Fundraising, Product, Strategy, Branding


Less then 2.1% of VC Funding

goes to Women Founders

< 2%

hit $1 million revenue

< 18%

hit $100K

< 1%

Women of Color get VC funding

Experience and Contributions

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Years of Experience

5.35 million

VC Funding


on Social Media

Curated Coaching


Cracking Y Combinator

Cracking Y Combinator

From reviewing your application, preparing you for what investors look for, to mock-interviews. 

Fundraising Masterclass

Fundraising Masterclass

Reviewing your pitch deck, feedback on what VCs look for at your business type & stage, preparing responses, Investor data room.

Founder Vision Package

Founder Vision Package

WE DO WORK! Align on a 6 month goal, weekly action items, address tough problems. Fundraising, PR, VC relations, Product, Co-founder / team challenges.

Opening my learnings, resources and network

Since I started building my Venture backed AI tech startup, I didn't have a playbook, especially as an immigrant woman navigating biases in every aspect of the journey.

But with my successes, failures and learnings I've crafted the "Entrepreneur Playbook" to make my learnings, resources and network available to women on the path - to Race ahead and get there Faster, More Confident and Kick Ass.


How I Work

Step by Step

Contact Deb

Contact Deb

I've met 100s of women who not only remind me of where I began, but also have inspired me to make my learnings, resources and network available.


© Deb Dutta LLC

Coaching and Consulting

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