Deb Dutta | Media Kit

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Book Deb for a Speaking Opportunity

Keynotes, Panels, Workshop, Judge




Curated list

On CEO School with Suneera Madhani

I recently had the privilege of joining Suneera Madhani on the incredible CEO School podcast, and I'm thrilled to share our conversation with you. As an immigrant founder who has navigated the complexities of the tech world, I dove deep into my journey from launching Criya to securing funding with Y Combinator.

On CEO School with Suneera Madhani


Keynote & Panel Speaker


Media mentions


Social Media Followers

Executive Bio

Executive Bio

Deb Dutta is the CEO of Criya - an AI tech startup backed by the prestigious Y Combinator and top tier VCs. Deb, is a female immigrant founder with 13+ years of experience as a successful Product Executive at PayPal, Microsoft, Hitachi. Deb holds a Masters degree from Carnegie Mellon in computer science.

Featured on Forbes, TechCrunch, New York Times, CBS and Y Combinator, Deb is an established keynote speaker, Forbes contributor and leads the Women in Product chapter. Aside from that, Deb actively mentors women to develop their skills in product management, entrepreneurship and fundraising.

Currently as the CEO of Criya, Deb is shaping the future of Professional Excellence with AI. In a highly competitive market, Criya AI makes you and your ideas look brilliant. Enter a few keywords and get perfectly designed, concise and high converting webpages in seconds.


Speaking Engagements

and Media Interviews

Curated list

TV Interview

On Data Mining, Forbes, AI with Regalix TV


Keynote at Women in Product

On Risks, Rewards, Challenges - PM to CEO

Harvard Business School

Harvard Business School

Invited to HBS 33rd Annual Women's Panel

Product Con

Product Con

TEDx style talk on Data Driven Decisions as a Product Manager

Carnegie Mellon Speaker & Advisory Board

Carnegie Mellon Speaker & Advisory Board

Speaker at IEEE x Carnegie Mellon University conference

TV Interview - CBS

TV Interview - CBS

Live interview with CBS New York as a Founder & CEO of Criya

Keynote -Google VEX Robotics

Keynote -Google VEX Robotics

Keynote speaker at Google - VEX Robotics

Carnegie Mellon AI Workshop

Carnegie Mellon AI Workshop

Enabling students build their AI Resumes with Criya AI

Keynote at CriyaCon

Keynote at CriyaCon

At our flagship conference

Immigrant Entrepreneur Journey

Immigrant Entrepreneur Journey

On the Sophie Alcorn Podcast

My Video Courses

Self-Paced Webinars

Curated courses authored by Deb

Elevate your Brand with AI Masterclass

Elevate your Brand with AI Masterclass

Unleash the power of your personal brand with our "Elevate your Brand with LinkedIn + AI Masterclass".

Includes Master worksheet for Content creation, recommended tools and pre-built content hooks and templates.

Product Manager to CEO Masterclass

Product Manager to CEO Masterclass

"Product Manager to CEO" is a meticulously designed coaching course, specifically tailored for ambitious Product Managers who aspire to ascend to the top echelons of entrepreneurship and/or corporate leadership. This course provides a comprehensive roadmap to transition from a Product Manager to a Chief Executive Officer, equipping you with the necessary skills, knowledge, and strategic thinking required to lead an organization effectively.

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